Twenty-seven 7th graders from the Milwaukee Public School District got the opportunity to tour the St. Camillus Community-Based Residential Facility (CBRF) and Jesuit Residence as a part of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) Council of Small Business Executives (COSBE) Be The Spark! Business Tours. Students spent the morning learning more about Mortenson, St. Camillus, and the CBRF and Jesuit Residence project.
The students were not only exposed to career pathways, but they were also able to experience the industry hands on through a construction estimating activity. An important part of construction is being able to estimate how much constructing a building will cost. Students worked together to estimate material, labor, and total costs of one floor of concrete for the CBRF build. The morning concluded with a project tour led by Mortenson’s superintendents and project managers.
This is the third Be The Spark! project tour Mortenson has participated in. Check out the recap from Froedtert’s tour here.