Mortenson’s commitment to safety is shaping the industry and the recent achievement at a confidential U.S. government facility in Utah is a testament to that. Our project team has been continuously serving the federal government there for over 5 and a half years, successfully completing more than 20 projects, all while building a strong culture of safety. This dedication has led to a major milestone of zero recordable injuries over 2,000 days and counting!
The projects involve high-risk work in an operational facility that plays an important role in our national security. Managing detailed project execution, disruption avoidance planning, along with creating a project culture and relationship with each craft have been key factors in the success of these projects.
The government customer has praised the team’s efforts, stating, “The Contractor has been an exceptional team player – the key factor in making this happen for…the customer…and the program.”
Our trade partners have recognized the importance and success of Mortenson’s Zero Injury program, with many incorporating the lessons learned from our program into their own safety initiatives. The culture of safety established by this team has also been recognized by trade partners, with one, S&S Electric, stating, “The culture, expectations, and programs that Mortenson has in place has made a huge positive impact on the S&S Electric team. Safety is a forever evolving culture and Mortenson has showed that they truly do care about their trade partners and their wellbeing.” – Rory Sower, Owner, S&S Electric
The relationships developed at this project can be attributed to the small team sizes and positive team dynamics, which have facilitated a supportive and inclusive culture and the building of strong bonds on and off the jobsite.
This milestone achievement of zero recordable injuries is a result of the collaborative efforts of everyone involved! A special thank you to Nicole Hogenson, Austin Shreve, Arthur Sampson, Kayla Pingel, Taylor Murray, Keith Sorenson, Kendra Lyons, and Jason Walton on the Mortenson team for their commitment to safety, leading by example, and achieving Zero Injuries!