Melanie Nordhougen Recognized as Minnesota State University Moorhead Outstanding Young Alumni

Melanie Nordhougen was recognized last week as an Outstanding Young Alumni by Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) during their 46th Annual Distinguished Alumni and Outstanding Service Celebration. 

“I was completely taken back by receiving this award,” said Melanie.  “It is such an honor to be included in the group of people that are referenced to as Outstanding Alumni! My time at MSUM was a great journey where I made some life-long connections and I am thankful for that.” 

Melanie is an Assistant Project Manager on the Sanford Fargo Medical Center. She oversees everything from framing and drywall to the interior finishes on the largest construction project in the State of North Dakota. Melanie has 11 years of industry experience in healthcare, education, correctional facilities and tenant improvements. 

“Melanie has always impressed me with her commitment to others in her community,” said former employer Todd Stugelmayer, President of Tecta America Dakotas. “This commitment is not often seen in young professionals of the construction industry. I fully expect Melanie will continue to expand her outreach and concern for the community.” 

Only a select few of alumni are chosen each year by the MSUM Alumni Foundation as graduates of the past decade with notable career or community impact. Melanie was recognized at the October 6th event, held at the Comstock Memorial Union Ballroom.