A Virtual Tour of Climate Pledge Arena
Virtual build of arena

By Seattle Times, Geoff Baker

Article Excerpt:

Being offered a rare first-look walk through the “completed” KeyArena renovation had me skeptical.

My last reporter’s sneak peek ahead of an arena’s debut was 24 years ago this week in my native Montreal, when what’s now the Bell Centre replaced the hallowed Forum during the “corporate era’’ for drab facilities. So, with that distaste in mind, I set out for Queen Anne last week for an early look at the $930 million KeyArena rebuild — through the eyes of some impressive virtual reality glasses.

Mortenson, the project’s lead contractor, has a VR program where special eyewear is donned to view the inside of commercial projects in 3-D ahead of being built. For the KeyArena project, they use an empty floor of vast office space to best simulate what walking freely within the arena’s large seating areas and suites will feel like by summer 2021 without bumping into walls.

Read the full news story here.