wastewater treatment plant construction in Newberg
Newberg Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion / NewbergOR
When does a construction project become a partnership?
The Newberg Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion project is a five-phased project being completed over several years. Phases that have already been completed included a new control building, new wet well structure, new emergency backup generator, new sanitary sewer piping through the town of Newberg, as well as a new secondary clarifier and administration building. Mortenson is currently building a new headworks facility and influent pump station. Mortenson will be the CM/GC on the future phase of work, which will include a new 2.5 million gallon oxidation ditch.

Facts And Figures

City of Newberg


Delivery Methods


The Team



American Public Works Association (APWA) 2015 Project of the Year