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Lisa Benning

To me, leadership is about authenticity, curiosity, and having a clear vision and goals. It's living your values humbly and encouraging your team to do the same.

Crafting Meaningful Partner Connections

The unique ways we make the customer experience exceptional are by ensuring that every interaction is meaningful and tailored to our customer’s needs. From our diverse team that brings a variety of perspectives to the breadth of expertise, experience, and industry tools available at Mortenson, I am energized by the way we connect and serve our customers.

Lisa Benning Kings Bay Dry Dock
Lisa Benning Wheelchair Experience

Embracing Trust and Innovation through our Family Culture

Our deeply rooted family culture at Mortenson guides me to lead with trust every day. We are best when every team member feels the sense of belonging and embraces the endless opportunities available to contribute their unique strengths.


I am passionate about stewardship and helping others. I am grateful to be part of an organization that fully embraces this commitment, empowering me to make a meaningful impact in my work.

One of my most impactful community moments was when a small group of us had the opportunity to experience being a wheelchair user at our headquarters campus. This emotional experience gave me a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by wheelchair users and how I can better serve others.  


  • Traveling to new locations around the world, new experiences
  • Fitness
  • Spending time with my nephews
  • Serving at church


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