Iowa State University Hach Hall Chem Building
Iowa State University Hach Hall Chemistry Building / AmesIA
How do you position your instituion as a leading researcher?

Hach Hall is a new three-story, 135,000 square foot building that provides much-needed research and teaching laboratory space for the Chemistry Department, one of the University’s most important and prominent programs. Space is dedicated to teaching laboratories, student interaction space, and research space for faculty, staff, and graduate assistants. Included are 269 fume hoods, and 12 strobic exhaust fans. The project is LEED® Gold certified.

- Enhances ISU's position as a leading research institution
- Building is 47% more energy efficient than if it was built to existing code

Facts And Figures

Iowa State University

Completed August 2010


136,287 sf

Delivery Methods

Construction Manager

The Team