Women in Construction Week: Maggie Bork

Maggie Bork, Assistant Project Manager

Wisconsin Entertainment and Sports Center

How did you land in the construction industry?
I graduated from college with a degree in architecture when there were three companies at the “career fair” during the recession. I found a job posting for an administrative assistant at a local competitor. After the interview the offered me a position as an engineering intern instead. The rest is history.

What is your favorite part of your career? 
I love that every day is different. What you do today is put in place tomorrow; no two days are ever the same. The process is the same but I love that you will never complete the same task twice. It keeps my work fresh and exciting.

What is the biggest challenge of being a woman working in construction? 
I see the biggest challenge is work life balance. The day does not end when the last worker goes home, but you have to find a way to turn it off. It is equally as hard to turn it off if you have a sick child (or any family member for that matter) and you need to focus on your family when a project depends on your day-to-day involvement.

What are you currently working on? 
I am currently working on the Milwaukee Bucks New Arena, a once in a lifetime project that will forever change Milwaukee that I can be proud of the impact it will truly have on the community.