Prutha Chiddarwar | Field Engineer
Read Prutha's spotlight interview for Women in Construction Week
Prutha Chiddarwar WIC Week 2022

Prutha’s interest in building was sparked from a young age when watching her father, an architect, work. This led her to pursue a degree in architecture in India and later her master’s in Urban Design in London. She enjoyed working as an architect and urban designer in India for 5 years, but realized she wanted to have a different role in creating buildings. While pursuing a Master of Science in Construction Management at the University of Washington, Prutha interned with the Mortenson team in Seattle. She joined our team full time as a field engineer in 2021 and has enjoyed being able to influence the design and vision of a project from a new angle while utilizing her background in design.


Interview with Violet Vetter, Associate Project Accountant at Mortenson

Why construction? How did you get into the position you're currently in?

Prutha: My path to construction had an early start observing my dad work, who is an architect. This fueled my creativity and started my career as an architect in India. Soon that path exposed me to the actual fabrication of buildings through construction. This experience made me realize that a building is so much more than what is drawn. To get the job done right the first time, there is a lot of work that goes into both the planning and management of a project. So all-in-all, these pieces coalesced in a way that made me want to pursue my master’s in construction management. And now here I am.

What do you find fulfilling about your job or this industry?

PruthaThere are several aspects of my job that bring me fulfillment. My role as a field engineer, currently on the pre-construction side, helps me bridge the gap between architecture and construction. I enjoy coming to understand the client’s vision and determining the cost impacts of that design. From there I can influence the design to fit that vision and budget and contribute to the planning for construction. It is very rewarding at the end to say that I helped build that.

What would people find surprising about your job or career path?

PruthaAs an urban designer in India I led a couple of projects for design of public spaces that redefined the meaning for urban development and were first of its kind in my city (one of her first projects is pictured above). I always wanted to contribute for the benefit of the community through my skills and being able to lead projects that improved the quality of life, that shaped people’s experiences, and lead a path for future projects to come was very satisfying and empowering. And I am proud to be a part of Mortenson to continue to make such contributions as we build for our communities and for the greater good together.

What advice would you give to women in the industry or those interested in joining?

PruthaWhat I love about working at Mortenson is that the company embraces diversity and provides equal opportunities as well as resources for women to grow. Mortenson also provides their support as you follow your desired career path in construction.


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