Fort Benning Vehicle Maintenance Facility and Shop
Fort Benning Vehicle Maintenance Facility Construction  / Fort BenningGA
Does the design and construction of maintenance facilities involve preconstruction planning?
This project involved the design and construction of a Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) at Fort Benning, Georgia, consisting of multiple vehicle maintenance and repair buildings totaling over 120,500 square feet. The scope of this design-build project included: a two-story, 70,348-square-foot multi-purpose vehicle maintenance facility with 64 vehicle repair areas, and 44 vehicle maintenance areas; a one-story, 12,588-square-foot mission support building housing a large machine shop with areas for welding, bench repair, touch-up painting, tool storage, non-secure storage, administrative offices, and staff support; a 22,873-square-foot vehicle paint and preparation building, a 25,565-square-foot shop, providing open shop space, overhead bridge crane, a classroom and administrative areas; and a 10,000-square foot dynamometer building housing test cells, control rooms, and mechanical rooms used in engine testing and maintenance. The project also included the construction of several support buildings and an expansive compound paved with 805,500 square feet of concrete hardstand paving, providing over 450 spaces for heavy tactical vehicle parking and wide traffic ways allowing clear access to all buildings. This facility is DoD Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) compliant and is designed to achieve USGBC LEED Silver certification. 

Facts And Figures

Savannah District USACE

Completed April 2011


120,593 square feet

Delivery Methods


The Team