Highland Substation Construction / O'Brien County, IA
How do you build a substation in difficult soil conditions?
Mortenson’s high voltage transmission group will provide BOP services for 265.7 miles of underground electrical collection system for the 500 MW Highland Wind Project. Spanning more than 62 square miles through northwestern Iowa, this is the largest wind farm installation that Mortenson has constructed to date. The project mobilized in November to perform initial construction activities that meet time-critical goals for completing foundation construction prior to the end of 2013 in order to meet PTC requirements. With such a tight time frame between selection and mobilization, the team planned aggressively to develop an execution strategy to ensure our commitment was made to MidAmerican. Following a winter shutdown period, work resumed in the spring of 2014 with an estimated completion in the fall of 2015.
Facts And Figures
Delivery Methods
Balance of Plant