The Need

A $2B aerospace systems and controls manufacturer’s campus was at full labor capacity, yet the spaces were aging and undesirable for their employees. They feared that the impending labor shortage would challenge them with worker retainment and recruitment, and that their unappealing spaces would only amplify the issue.

The Solution

With a holistic view of the manufacturer’s entire real estate portfolio, Mortenson conducted an assessment of the campus and provided a renovation recommendation that would increase both the capacity and appeal of office workstations and production space. While the renovation would quickly serve the short-term need, it would also fit into a larger long-term growth plan.

The Result

The manufacturer proceeded with the renovation that met 89% of the needed office workstations within just 11 months, immediately creating a more desirable place to work and providing 24,000 square feet of new production space. They also received a roadmap that would prepare them to address workforce needs for the next 3 years.


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