The Need
A Fortune 100 agricultural cooperative was seeing a lack of employee satisfaction and retention, in the midst of a workforce shortage. They wanted to revitalize and better utilize their campus. Mortenson partnered with the customer to determine which improvements to their existing spaces would be the most attractive to employees and provide the most ROI.
The Solution
Mortenson worked with the customer on their goals, which included creating a more collaborative work environment for staff to serve member-owners and reflect the judicious approach that their audience, many of them farmers, take in their own business practices. Renovations were phased to provide the broadest benefit to their staff and were informed by a research analysis of utilization, available space, shortfalls, and technology needs. Projects began with a conference room overhaul and continued with the main entrance lobby, five-story central atrium, and auditorium to improve mission alignment, brand messaging, and workplace image through access to outdoors, views, daylighting, and a better integration of the masonry and wood ceilings into the interior design.
The Result
Upgrades catered to both current and prospective employees. The company received overwhelmingly positive feedback, and their Workplace Effectiveness rating improved by 30% and surpassed the global benchmark by 17.3%. In addition, the project team assembled a five-year playbook for the customer to support the multi-phased approach.