During this complex and carefully planned project, we undertook the task of replacing the current cart washer and sterilizers while integrating a new cart washer at Harborview Medical Center’s (HMC) Central Processing Unit (CPU). It was crucial to ensure that hospital operations continued uninterrupted throughout the construction process. Extensive coordination with both the CPU and HMC facilities was essential to establish infection control measures and effectively manage utility interruptions.
The project reached a successful conclusion with a remarkable transformation that revitalized a once weary space and significantly boosted the department’s overall efficiency. In addition, the enhancements resulted in improved access and safety outside the department, reducing the need to stage carts in hallways. The refreshed environment not only increased user productivity but also demonstrated exceptional durability, establishing a new benchmark for operational excellence and environmental sustainability.
Operating within a fixed budget, our team addressed several critical uncertainties before finalizing design documents. These uncertainties included determining the source of our critical branch power and assessing whether the existing structure could support equipment slab depressions without necessitating costly upgrades. Leveraging Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), we researched which equipment would best support the project goals for throughput and efficiency, evaluating each model’s design, cost, and schedule impacts. Our team’s approach, which focused on cost reduction while meeting project goals, delivered a significant 15% reduction from the original proposed budget, providing our stakeholders with the reassurance of our sound financial management.
Our team conducted a comprehensive assessment of potential solutions for making structural modifications to the preferred cart washer layouts in order to minimize noise and vibration during the construction phase effectively. This thorough planning and implementation not only successfully mitigated disruptive effects but also had a positive impact on the well-being of our staff, patients, and neighboring communities.
Facts And Figures
6,000 Square Feet
Goal: 10%
Achieved: 28%
DBIA National Award of Merit 2020